3 Practices for Painful Periods and Menstruation

Your period is not meant to be uncomfortable or painful. It is also not meant to make you feel extremely fatigued, irritable or like an emotional wreck.  Your menstrual cycle, particularly when you bled, is there to help clean your body, process out emotions,  and provide intentional days of rest and reflection. In the video and post […]

Ovarian Cysts

What they are, Why they occur, and What to do about them Ovarian Cysts and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are more today than before. Recent research and data collection concludes that over 3 million women will develop or have had symptoms related to ovarian cysts or polycystic ovarian syndrome. I share this statistic not to […]

Add this to water to avoid dehydration

STay Hydrated with this one ingredient Many of us drink plenty of water, yet we’re still left feeling thirsty.    If you suffer from the following symptoms, your body is in need of essential resources. Dry mouth Dry skin Dizziness Fatigue Headaches Yellow urination Muscle cramps   In this video, I share one common kitchen item […]

How I Recovered from a Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

In this post, I share a personal story. One that involves a ruptured ovarian cyst, and my recovery using Chinese Medicine. I’m sharing this story because women and men need to know that Chinese Medicine offers solutions for women’s health issues. These issues include period pain, cramps, bloating, irritability, breast tenderness, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, infertility, and […]

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