Fundamental Winter Practice (4 of 4)

Hi, Welcome! I am going to introduce you to the fourth and final Winter Self-Care Practice! I’ll be providing you specific examples and lots of references for this practice. So, be sure to stick around till the end. If you’re just joining for the first time, be sure to read and watch the first three […]

Fundamental Winter Practice (3 of 4)

Third Fundamental Winter Practice Welcome to the third Fundamental Winter Practice! If you’re just joining, please be sure to read the first and second winter practices. You can find those here and here! For those of you who have joined me these past two weeks, thank you! Without further discussion, the Third Fundamental Winter Practice […]

Winter Self Care Practices (1 of 4)

This is the first of four Winter Self-care Practices! This series is designed to introduce you to ancient Chinese and modern practices that will replenish and nourish you during the winter months. These practices will also help to sustain you for the months ahead. In Chinese Medicine, Winter is the season to slow down and refill […]

Dedicate to Your New Year’s Resolution

When making your New Year’s resolution be gentle and kind to yourself. Think of your resolution as a dedication to yourself. A dedication that calls upon your inner strength, empowers you and causes you to rise to the occasion. We are drawn to dedication by our own desires. Our desires are requesting dedication, and dedication […]

Winter Class Schedule!

 [calendar id=”784″] Learn more and register here!  Disclaimer: This information is intended for general reference only. It is not a replacement for professional health advice. The content in this post intentionally does not provide dosage information or possible interactions with prescription drugs or other medications. Please contact a certified health practitioner such as a physician of Oriental […]

Learning to Learn, A Reflection

Learning to Learn, A reflection on returning to higher education after six years out of formal education   It was January 2016 when I first had the idea for this post. I was beginning the spring semester of my third year. At that time, I imagine I must have felt lighter than ever. I must […]

Two Simple, Daily Musts

Two Simple, Daily Musts Here are two very simple, yet very important daily musts you can add to your morning. They are guaranteed to add an extra boost to your everyday! 1. Lemon water in the morning You may have heard this one before or maybe this is your first time hearing it, but lemon […]

Cold & Flu Season Saviors

It’s almost fall! That means cold and flu season is going to be the talk of the town. Lucky for me and you, we have remedies that will quell those evil germs that challenge our immune system. No need to be laid up for a few days. Below are our Top Five Cold & Flu Season Saviors: Number […]

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