More and more people are taking an interest in meditation. It is a tool that serves us as individuals and in all aspects of our lives. Once you experience its richness, you’ll find yourself wanting more. This post will give you a different perspective on meditation and how to start meditating. 

What is Meditation

Meditation is to quiet the mind. To be clear of thoughts, and emotions. To simply be with your body and the world that surrounds you. Meditation is a state of mind.

Meditation is meant to be uncomfortable for the physical body and the mind. When you work with discomfort during your meditation, other discomforts become more tolerable. Life becomes more manageable, less stressful, and nerve-racking. You see, find, feel, and sense more of the joy in life.

The more you meditate, the more the benefits come. It’s like exercise for your brain. Some days it’s more difficult and other days it feels easy. This is because we are human and rarely is one day the same as the other. 

What meditation isn't

Meditation isn’t something that is achieved. It is an ongoing state of mind. It is a place to be free of distractions. To be with yourself, your whole self – the physical body, mental body, and spiritual body.

Meditation isn’t abstract. It can be felt, sensed, and understood. In meditation, we learn to recognize its actuality. A steady quieting of the mind.

How to meditate

First things first, put yourself in a space where you won’t be disturbed. Preferably a small room with a closed door. If you live with people, tell them that you need time alone. You choose the amount of time. I’d suggest starting with at least 15 minutes.

Once you’re in your quiet space, you’ll want to get the wiggles out. Do some sort of physical movement. This will settle the physical body so that it can be still. I like to do at least 5 minutes of general shaking, twisting, bouncing and/or stretching. Set a timer if you are bound by time and if you want to see how much wiggling you can do in 5 minutes. You’ll find a flow once you get into a routine.

Now that the wiggles have been dispersed, sit down either on the floor or at the edge of a comfortable chair. For those sitting on the floor, I’d recommend sitting on the edge of a blanket to lift your hips and bum. This will descend or tilt your hips and legs so that they are slightly lifted above your legs.

Place your hands on your knees palms face up (to receive), palms down (to draw inward), or in your lap (to center). Begin breathing in through your nose and out your mouth. Close your eyes and continue in that way. When it feels right, breathe in through your nose and out your nose.

Next, choose your intention. Why are you choosing to meditate? Some reasons could be to simply quiet the mind, release emotions and thoughts, make space for clarity, or to be with the self.

When a thought comes up, acknowledge it then release it, like swiping left or letting go of a balloon. Come back to the breath to help you to release.

Release on the exhale out the mouth. Let the breath be the release of thought from the body. The mind seeks silence no matter what comes up.

If you begin to fidget or sitting quietly gets difficult, stay. Work it out with your exhale. Breathe in the nose and out the mouth. Use the exhale out the mouth to push out the thoughts, feelings, or emotions that are asking to be released from the body. Work it out with your breath.

That’s all you need to start. 


Be still. 

Continue breathing. 

Always come back to your breath when meditation becomes difficult. 

Connect to the best resource known to all living organisms, your breath.

I hope you found this information useful. If you have any questions or comments, please leave a reply down below.

As always, stay curious!


Disclaimer: This information is intended for general reference only. It is not a replacement for professional health advice. The content in this post intentionally does not provide dosage information or possible interactions with prescription drugs or other medications. Please contact a certified health practitioner such as a physician of Oriental Medicine or Herbalist before considering use. To schedule an appointment with Malerie, visit the services page. 

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